This partner forum provided an opportunity to update all on the newly released Sport England 10 year strategy. With immediate focus on how we can help the physical activity and sport sector in Bucks and MK recover and reinvent ready to support the recovery of residents physical and emotional well-being from the impact of the pandemic.

We were joined by Naomi Shearon Strategy Lead at Sport England to give us an overview and answer our questions on the newly released strategy and then the Leap team highlighted some of the priorities and opportunities to engage with over the coming months.

Click here to download the slides from the forum

Click for the forum Zoom recording

You can view the forum attendee list here

If you would like to read Mark’s blog about the Sport England Strategy click here

Please add the two future forum dates to your diary;

13.00-14.30 Wednesday 16th June.

13.00-14.30 Wednesday 13th October.

We will update you on the booking process and theme for each in our monthly partners e-news closer to the time. If you don’t currently receive the e-news you can sign up here.

See previous forums slides and informaton here