A partnership approach

The Bucks & MK School Games is brought to you through a partnership between Leap and the network of School Games Organisers (SGOs) Bucks and MK.

The Bucks & MK School games will provide lots of ways for young people across Bucks and MK to take part in and compete with others across the county.

Find out about our latest school games festival

Bucks & MK School Games Calendar 2024-25

We are very excited to have a full and inclusive School Games calendar.

We value inclusion and the opportunity for every child to participate in school sport and physical activity, within the School Games. We will always find a solution to meet the needs of all pupils attending our competitions and festivals, so please do communicate any needs with us and we will strive to ensure every child has their moment to shine. Sometimes it may feel daunting to bring out a diverse group of children to a big festival, but rest assured, we will work together to ensure every individual can go away having had a great experience.

View the calendar and how to enter:

School Games Calendar 24-25

Your School Games Organisers

Contact your local School Games Organiser for details of how to get involved with the programme.

Amber Ollier

Milton Keynes North & South Area


Dr Challoners High School
(Amersham & Chesham Area) | @DCHS_SGO


Jose de Matos Sharps

Marlow Area


Tom Brazier

Aylesbury and Buckingham Area


Rose Zubcevic

Aylesbury and Buckingham Area


Rachel Hutchinson

South Buckinghamshire & Special Schools
