Safeguarding is the general term for the protection of people from exploitation and abuse by others.


Sport and physical recreation activities often place individuals in a position of significant influence over other people. A high level of trust is placed on such individuals by parents, carers and the participants themselves. In the vast majority of cases that level of trust is more than repaid through the commitment, dedication and selflessness of people involved in organising and delivering sports and activities, but occasionally that trust can be abused. All organisations and individuals involved in sport should be aware of the risks and act promptly to deal with any concern.

Here at Leap we are committed to promoting the safety and welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults engaged in sporting activities across Bucks & MK; regardless of of their age, culture, ability or disability, gender, language, race, religious beliefs or sexual identity.

Click here to view our Child Protection Policy

On this page you will find information on who to contact if you have concerns about a child or adult, along with support for sports and activities organisers.

Report a concern about a child in Buckinghamshire

If you think a child or young person under the age of 18 years is being abused or neglected, please inform the Buckinghamshire Council’s First Response Team.

Telephone: 0845 4600001 Local Rate: 01296 383962

The First Response Team has a 24-hour emergency number for calls outside office hours. Out of Hours Emergency Social Work Team: 0800 999 7677

You can also find more support and advice on the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board.

Report a concern about a child in Milton Keynes

MASH are available for advice if there are any concerns regarding children and we encourage you to call us. We can advise about next steps and whether the child already has a worker and can signpost you to this worker for further discussion. If a child is in danger and at immediate risk of harm, you must call the Police on 999.

Telephone: 01908 253169 (during office hours Mon-Thurs 9-5.30pm Fri 9-5pm))
Telephone: out of office hours on 01908 265545.

If you have concerns for a child which is not immediate safeguarding, you can complete a Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF) which is available on this link:



You can also find more support and advice from Milton Keynes Council’s Children’s Services.

Report a concern about a vulnerable adult in Buckinghamshire

If you have concerns about the safety of a vulnerable adult please inform Buckinghamshire Council Safeguarding Adults team

During Office Hours: 0800 137 915
9am – 5.30pm Monday to Thursday or 9am – 5pm on Friday

Outside office hours 0800 999 7677


You can also find more support and advice on the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board.

Report a concern about a vulnerable adult in Milton Keynes

If you have concerns about the safety of a vulnerable adult contact the Milton Keynes Council Adult Social Care Team:

Telephone: 0800 137 915


You can also find more support and advice on the Milton Keynes Council’s Adult Social Care website


Leap Safeguarding Officers

Children & Young People:

Safeguarding Lead. Mark Stokes: 07738 314190 

Deputy Safeguarding Lead. Rhiannon Smith: 07738 314191


Safeguarding Lead.  Abbi McKane: 01296 585658

Deputy Safeguarding Lead. Chris Gregory: 07841 311624



Telephone: 0808 800 5000  Email: 

Childline: A free and confidential helpline for children who have concerns. Tel: 0800 1111

Comprehensive information on safeguarding children from birth to teenagers.

The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU)

The CPSU provides advice and guidance on their website to help you deal with a concern, create or update your safeguarding policy, access training and resources for parents.

Click here for guidance from the CPSU on updating your safeguarding policies and procedures.

The Ann Craft Trust

Telephone: 0115 951 5400  Email:

The Ann Craft Trust support organisations to safeguard adults and minimise the risk of harm.


Sport Welfare Officer

Sport England Funding has enabled us to appoint a Sport Welfare Officer, Yvette Hockley, to support local clubs and community organisations facilitate an inclusive culture of safe sport for children, young people and adults.

Read more about how Yvette can support you here

Email Yvette on