We’ve operated in the county for 25 years and as a small team, we work smart to maximise our impact, focusing our work on priority groups and places that will benefit the most from physical activity.

We know that the least active people have the most to gain from regular movement and research shows that where people are born, grow, live, work and age has a huge impact on their health.  

We’re trying to tackle some big societal issues and we know we can’t do this alone, so we work with a broad range of partners.  

Together with our partners we aim to position movement as an integral part of the systems that influence all our lives – central to education, healthcare, workplaces, communities, infrastructure and community development.  By using this systemic approach, together we hope to create the greatest impact and long-term change.  

We work by building relationships and making connections, advising on policy and projects, securing and maximizing investment and energising people, places and spaces. We also continually learn and we develop and share actionable insights with our partners.

Our values are:

Ambition – We work hard and smart to make a difference.

Understanding – We are curious/inquisitive and have a thirst for knowledge, understanding and awareness of the challenges our priority communities face.

Connecting – We bring people and partners together to tackle some of society’s most complex and stubborn inequalities.

Inclusivity – We strive to create opportunities for all to be active by breaking down barriers and levelling up inequalities.

Innovation – We are bold, brave and creative in thought and action.

And we always act with Integrity because trust is our greatest ally.