London Hearts – Defibrillator Grant
London Hearts a registered charity which specialises in the supply of Defibrillators, related equipment and training are offering a grant of £300 towards a defibrillator. Charity Profile for your information.
Recent tragic Cardiac Arrest events involving professional sports persons at the peak of their fitness shows that Cardiac Arrest can happen to absolutely ANYONE at ANYTIME and ANYWHERE!
If you go into cardiac arrest without a defibrillator, you have a 7% chance of survival. If a defibrillator is on the patient within the first 3-5 minutes, the chances of survival is over 70%.
We have now launched an initiative to assist you in obtaining this life-saving equipment. We are currently offering a £300 grant towards the cost of every Defibrillator we supply to Sports Clubs across the whole of the UK.
With every Defibrillator we supply we provide free online training. This initiative will remain in place until our funding is exhausted.
In order to proceed in obtaining a Defibrillator simply complete our short online application to receive a quote via the following link:
If you have any queries or wish to discuss obtaining a Defibrillator please contact Amy or Jo by telephone on 02070432493 or by email reply to: