Support for individuals throughout Great Britain with the aim of helping disadvantaged young people (under the age of 16) to participate, to the best of their ability, in the sport of their choice, irrespective of their social circumstances, culture or ethnicity.

The vision of the Foundation is to assist young people under 16 years of age to participate, to the best of their ability, in the sport of their choice irrespective of their social circumstances, culture or ethnicity, and to ensure that, in doing so, they improve their chances both inside and outside sport.
Grants of up to £500 are available.

Match funding is not a specified requirement.

Who Can Apply

Individuals in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) who are aged 16 years or under at the time of making the application are eligible to apply.

A grant will only be considered if the individual is unable to raise the necessary finances required as a result of their disadvantaged circumstances.  Applicants will need to show that circumstances are such that they are unable to raise the finance necessary through any other means.

Applications from groups, schools, associations or colleges will not be accepted.

The Foundation will not fund:

  • Professional fees of any kind, including club membership.
  • Travel expenses.
  • Equipment that is available for public use, be this in a club, gym, school/college or local council facilities.
  • Scholarships.
  • Summer/winter training camps.
Eligible Expenditure

The following are eligible for funding:

  • Shirts, shorts, swimwear and footwear appropriate to the applicant’s sport.
  • Dress standards – a number of sports require a certain dress standard. The Foundation recognises this and treats each application on its merits.
  • Personal items of equipment appropriate to the applicant’s sport.

As each different sport has individual needs, these are guidelines only. Applicants should contact the Foundation for advice on individual applications.

How To Apply

Applications may be submitted at any time and are assessed regularly throughout the year.

Application forms are available to download from the website and must be submitted by post.

The application must have the support of two independent referees.

Useful Links