England and Wales Cricket Board – County Grants Fund
Grants are available to support ECB affiliated cricket clubs in England and Wales with creating welcoming environments, providing enhanced facilities and playing opportunities, and tackling the impact of climate change.
The County Grants Fund is provided and administered by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB). The ECB was established in 1997 as the single national governing body for all cricket in England and Wales.
Objectives of Fund
The funding is intended to support projects and activities that may include:
Creating welcoming environments – open to affiliated cricket clubs or those actively involved with women’s and girls’ cricket and/or disability cricket. It is expected that any junior programme will include and actively engage with girls.
Enhanced facilities and playing opportunities for women’s and girls’ cricket and/or disability cricket – open to affiliated cricket clubs actively engaged in competitive female-only cricket.
Tackling climate change (supported by Sport England) – open to any affiliated cricket clubs.
Grants of £1,000 to £10,000 are available.
Clubs may apply for up to one grant per ECB budget year (1 February to 31 January 2025) but will not be able to apply for a second grant for the same project before 2025.
Match Funding Restrictions
Whilst not a requirement, partnership funding is welcomed and may positively influence the grant decision made.
Who Can Apply
Cricket clubs in England and Wales that are affiliated to the ECB via their County Cricket Board (CCB) may apply.
As a minimum, clubs will need to have the following:
A constitution, articles of association or equivalent governing document.
Valid buildings, contents and public liability insurance.
Security of tenure – leasehold, freehold or rental (minimum one year).
A bank account in the club’s name.
Financial accounts from the last three years.
Adoption of the ECB Safe Hands Policy.
Adoption of the ECB Inclusion and Diversity Policy.
England and Wales
The following are not eligible for funding:
Retrospective costs.
Large-scale pavilion and communal changing facility projects (over £100,000).
Any project already funded by an ECB/EWCT Grant or Loan.
Eligible Expenditure
The grants are used to help clubs meet the cost of purchasing relevant products or materials, and associated professional labour costs.
Full details of eligible costs can be found in the guidance document available from the England and Wales Cricket Board website.
How To Apply
Applications may be made at any time.
Guidance notes and the online application portal can be accessed via the England and Wales Cricket Board website.
Contact England and Wales Cricket Board for further information.
Documents & links
England and Wales Cricket Board – County Grants Fund
For further information on how to obtain this fund, please contact the following:
Facilities Investment Team
England and Wales Cricket Board
Lords Cricket Ground
Fax: 020 7289 5619
Email: grantmanagement@ecb.co.uk
Visit the website England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) – The Official Website of the ECB