Due to the 5th of October 2015 plastic bag charge, it gives the opportunity to retailers to donate the income of the charge to a charity. However, Grantscape strives to reach further. More than donating to a specific charity with a single cause, they instead manage the community funds of corporate clients to benefit local communities.

They create a valuable / diverse community fund for you that will:

  • Promote the availability and benefits of the programme as widely as possible
  • Deal directly with the community on your behalf
  • Meet your specific grant-making objectives
  • Provide a nationwide service
  • Offer a simple, online application
  • Provide cost effective management of the entire grant programme
  • Deliver the programme to our current high standards

For more information on the types of funding contact –

Marketing Manager, Tina Knibbs:

01908247633 or tina.knibbs@grantscape.org.uk

For more information go check out their website: http://grantscape.org.uk/plastic-carrier-bag-charge/