Heart of Bucks – Rectory Foundation 

Funding opportunities from our friends at the Rectory Foundation for projects that meet the foundation’s vision of ‘thriving people and places in our local communities’. 

The Rectory Foundation awards grants of up to £5,000 to voluntary and community groups in and around the Buckinghamshire area. In exceptional circumstances additional funding will be considered. 

Who can apply? 

Registered charities, community groups, social enterprises, community interest companies (limited by guarantee) or other not for profit organisations which are based in, or operate for the benefit of residents in the shaded circle areas on the map. This includes parish & town councils where the activity is not statutory in nature. The groups must be formally constituted and operate for public benefit. 

Eligibility criteria: 

To be eligible, groups (and projects) that apply for funding should clearly demonstrate why they meet the vision for “thriving people and places in our local communities”. Additionally, they must have one (or more) of the following areas of focus: 

  • Helping those most in need within the community, particularly those who are isolated or disadvantaged. 
  •  The improvement of the local environment, accessible community areas or buildings, and green spaces. 

 Priority will be given to: 

  • Projects/groups that best align to our vision of; “thriving people and places in our local communities”. 

What we can fund: 

  • Capital expenditure – such as equipment, building modifications 
  • Project costs associated with new, or the enhancement of existing, initiatives 
  • ‘Core’ running costs & expenditure 

What we can’t fund: 

  • Activities promoting a particular religious or political belief; 
  • Overseas travel; 
  • Projects which are already completed 
  • Individuals; 
  • Statutory bodies (excluding parish/town councils); 
  • Profit-making organisations; 
  • Organisations whose principal concern is animal welfare 
  • Any activity which is a statutory responsibility of a public body 

How to apply for a grant 

If you organisation meets the criteria above please complete the application form below. 

Panels will take place twice a year. Applications need to be submitted by the end of June (for projects starting in September) or by the end of December (for projects starting in April). 

Visit: Apply | Rectory Foundation