Rothschild Foundation – Community Fund

Grants are available for local not-for-profit organisations addressing the issues of communities experiencing disadvantage and inequality in Buckinghamshire.

The Community Fund is provided by the Rothschild Foundation to support charitable activities that benefit Buckinghamshire communities.

Objectives of Fund

The fund aims to respond to the local needs of Buckinghamshire communities by supporting local organisations, charities and groups to increase wellbeing and access to opportunity.

Two levels of funding are available:

Grants of up to £5,000 over one year – for incorporated community groups, community amateur sports clubs and community benefit societies.

Grants of up to £10,000 per year for up to three years – for registered charities, charitable incorporated organisations, community interest companies and non-profit making limited companies with an asset lock and limited by guarantee.

Match Funding Restrictions

The Rothschild Foundation is unlikely to be the sole contributor to a capital project. For capital requests greater than £15,000 evidence of match funding will be required.

Who Can Apply

Applications are invited from organisations based in and operating in Buckinghamshire (not including Milton Keynes) including:

Registered charities.

Charitable Incorporated Organisations.

Community Interest Companies.

Non-profit making limited companies, with an asset lock and limited by guarantee.

Incorporated Community Groups.

Community Amateur Sports Clubs.

Community Benefit Societies.

Funding is prioritised for organisations with an income under £1 million. Applicants must hold a bank account in the name of organisation applying to the programme.

All applicants must have the following policies in place:


Health and Safety.



Organisations may only hold one grant from the Community Fund at any time.

The following are not eligible for funding:

Activity that involves breaking any UK laws.

For-profit organisations.

Organisations lacking a demonstrable track record of working in Buckinghamshire.

Projects benefitting people outside of Buckinghamshire.

Projects with budgets detailing more than 50% costs for procurement of equipment, including IT equipment.

Retrospective costs.

Proposals which are only for the benefit of one individual including academic research, scholarships, bursaries, or any kind of student fees.

Proselytising organisations and the promotion of religion.

Overseas travel, expeditions, adventure and residential courses, and respite breaks unless they are based in Buckinghamshire.

Repayment of loans or debt.

Statutory bodies.

Organisations providing medical care or equipment.

Animal welfare charities and campaigns.

Eligible Expenditure

Applications are welcomed from organisations addressing:


Financial hardship.

Social welfare.

Physical and learning disabilities.

Mental health.

Other areas not addressed through the Foundation’s strategic funding for young people, sustainable food and farming, and culture.

The funding is intended for projects, organisational core costs and some capital costs.

How To Apply

Applications may be submitted on an ongoing basis; there is no deadline for submissions.

Applications are made online through the portal on the Rothschild Foundation website.

Contact the Rothschild Foundation for more information.

Documents & links

Rothschild Foundation – Community Fund – Click here

The Rothschild Foundation


For further information on how to obtain this fund, please contact the following:


The Rothschild Foundation

The Dairy

Queen Street


HP18 0JW
