Foyle Foundation – Small Grants Scheme

Grants are available to smaller charities registered and operating in the UK for projects that will make a significant impact on their work.

The Foyle Foundation is an independent grant-making trust that distributes grants to UK charities. Since it became operational in November 2001, the Foundation has disbursed more than £91.5 million in grants.

The Foundation supports charities in three main areas:

Main Grants Scheme, supporting charities whose core work covers arts and learning.

The Foyle School Library Scheme.

Small Grants Scheme, supporting charities in all fields with a turnover of less than £150,000 per annum.

Objectives of Fund

The Small Grants Scheme is provided by the Foyle Foundation to support smaller, grass-roots and local charities in the UK with projects that have the potential to make a significant difference to their work.

Grants of between £2,000 and £10,000 are available for 12 months.

Grants can be used for core costs or essential equipment.

Who Can Apply

UK charities that have an annual turnover of less than £150,000 are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to charities that are working at grass roots and local community level.

Charities must be able to demonstrate ongoing financial viability over the next 12 months.


Funding is not available for the following:


Charities that have built up considerable unrestricted reserves.

Newly set up charities without a track record.

Larger or national charities.

School PTAs/Friends of groups/school fundraising arms.

Retrospective costs.

Requests for building-related costs if the lease is for less than ten years.

Grant-making charities.

Feasibility studies.

Religious activity or activities promoting religion.

Eligible Expenditure

One-year grants are available for core costs, projects, essential equipment, or building projects.

The Foundation’s priority will be to support local charities still active in their communities that are currently delivering services to the young, vulnerable, elderly, disadvantaged or the general community.

If applying for funding towards a capital project, applicants should apply towards the end of their fundraising campaign, when the majority of funding has been raised and they have an estimated start date for the works. The Foundation is unlikely to consider a request if the lease is less than 10 years. If the application is successful, the pledged grant offer is only valid for 12 months.

Applicants must show how any grant will make a significant difference to their current work and must be able to demonstrate ongoing financial viability over the next 12 months.

How To Apply

Applications can be made at any time.

The Foyle Foundation will complete its grant giving programme in 2025, and will stop accepting new applications to the Small Grants Scheme on 30 April 2025.

Applications can continue to be submitted at any time up to the final cut off date. Please also note that the foundation can only consider applications for projects (and funding periods) which will be completed before the end of 2025.

Applications should be made online via the link on the Foundation’s website.

Documents & links

How to apply 

Small Grant Scheme Guidelines



For further information on how to obtain this fund, please contact the following:

Small Grants Scheme

Foyle Foundation

Rugby Chambers

2 Rugby Street

London WC1N 3QU

Tel: 020 7430 9119

Fax: 020 7430 9830
