Wakeham Trust – Micro Funding

Grants are available to community and voluntary groups to support small-scale projects with a community emphasis that would find it hard to obtain funding elsewhere.

Objectives of Fund

Funding is provided by The Wakeham Trust to support projects with a focus on two different fields:

  • The micro-funding of community action and community service programmes.
  • The support of academic excellence in teaching and learning.

Who Can Apply

Applications are accepted from community groups and charities in England and Wales.

Eligible Expenditure

Funding is available for projects that are small scale and would find it hard to get funding from big trusts, or are currently unfashionable or unpopular among mainstream funders, but are making a real contribution to the local community.

Areas that the charity supports are:

  • General charitable purposes.
  • Education/training.
  • The advancement of health or saving of lives.
  • Disability.
  • The prevention or relief of poverty.
  • Overseas aid/famine relief.
  • Religious activities.
  • Arts/culture/heritage/science.
  • Amateur sport.
  • Environment/conservation/heritage.
  • Economic/community development/employment.
  • Human rights/religious or racial harmony/equality or diversity.

How To Apply

Applications may be submitted at any time.

Interested organisatons should contact the trust to apply.


For further information on how to obtain this fund, please contact the following:

  1. Enquiries
    The Wakeham Trust
    Wakeham House
    GU31 5EJ
    Tel: 01730 821274
    Email: thewakehamtrust@icloud.com
  • Further details
  • Contacts