Turners Court Youth

Turners Court Youth Trust gives grants to charities and small community groups in the Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire region, that aim to help children, young people and families to fulfil their full potential by developing high quality, early intervention, prevention and support services.

Which projects are likely to be considered favourably?

Projects will be assessed as to the positive difference they will make to children and young people with regard to one or more of the following:

  • Early life experiences, particularly for those whose personal circumstances are challenging and difficult.

  • Emotional, social and physical safety and/or well-being.

  • Personal safety and protection from harm and neglect.

  • Involvement in activities that help them overcome barriers to education and employment and to achieve their full potential in life.

  • Development of independent life and work skills.

  • Prevention from entering the judicial system.

For more information and how to apply click here: