Active environments and active design

Our recent partner forum, held on 30th January focused on active environments and active design. We were delighted with the turnout of over 50 partners all keen to hear about how we can work together to make active lives possible. Below you can download presentations from the speakers.



Growth and major projects in Bucks & MK
(Ian Barham – Partnership Manager, Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnership )
Ian will outline the headlines for growth in Bucks and the surrounding area, highlighting the major infrastructure projects that are planned to support this growth and opportunities to link to community wellbeing.
Click here for the growth and major projects presentation.


Healthy places, healthy futures, growing great communities
(Tiffany Burch – Consultant in Public Health, Buckinghamshire Public Health Team)

Public health colleagues will take us through the 2018 Annual Report from the Director of Public Health. Focusing on how well designed places and socially connected communities offer solutions to our current and future health challenges.
Click here for the healthy places, healthy futures and growing great communities presentation.


Active Design Principles
(Phil Raiswell – Regional Planning Manager, Sport England)
Sport England will give us an overview of their Active Design Principles and how places and spaces can encourage more active lives.
Click here to download the Active design principles presentation.


The work of Sustrans…
(Sarah Leeming – Regional Manager, Sustrans)

Using examples from their work in Wokingham, Peckham and beyond Sustrans will give us a flavour of what they do and how they work with new and existing neighbourhoods to create active communities.
Click here to download the Sustrans presentation.


The work of Living Streets…
(Julia Crear – Regional Director, Living Streets)
An introduction to Living Streets, using some of there work in Leicestershire with lonely and isolation older adults.  Highlighting briefly how this work has brought communities together to be active by improving community spaces.
Click here to download the Living Streets presentation.


Bonus material
Bicester Healthy Town Example (Rosie Rowe via webex)
What is a healthy town? And how has a near neighbour used active design or similar principles to build healthier, happier and more active communities.
(Julia Crear – Regional Director, Living Streets)
Click here to view the presentation slides for Bicester Healthy Town.

Click here to view the webex recording.
Please note: If you don’t have Webex installed and can’t download the add-on, we are working on a solution. If you’d like to know more, please contact Chris via e-mail or call 01296 585069.


Delegate list
Those in attendance who were happy for their contact details ot be shared are included in the delegate list below.
Click here to view the delegate list from the January partners forum.


Click here for details of future forums.