Over 60 partners from Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes attended our Partner Forum in October 2023.

A vibrant ice breaker from Shay Fenlon was followed by Mark Ormerod, as part of the national working group, providing an overview of the new government strategy for the future of sport and activity, 

Mark highlighted the important elements and how they may impact the movement, physical activity and leisure and sport sector in Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes.You can view the slides below.

Michelle Howden, CIMPSPA (Chartered Institute for Management of Sport and Physical Activity) Skills Hub Manager gave a short summary of the Local Skills Improvement Plan and how organisations can become involved.

Thank you to everyone who led one of our popular table briefings. A fabulous opportunity to learn more about local projects and initiatives. Here’s the list of briefings and leaders:

Community Board PrioritiesFind out about the new community board priorities, who and what type of projects they want to partner and invest in. Gail Hudson & Ross Tackley  
Buckinghamshire Council

Active Lifestyle HubsAn overview of the Active Lifestyle Hub idea, the criteria we are developing to recruit and identify them and find out how you or organisation you know can be plugged into the health system. Abbi McKane 
CIMSPAFollow on from the presentation, opportunity to ask questions, understand more about local skills plans and how they could benefit your organisation by developing a pipeline of employees. Michelle Howden
Violence Reduction Unit Project MK An overview of the violence reduction unit project in Milton Keynes aimed at engaging young people at risk of being involved in crime and how referral pathways are being developed between professionals and physical activity providers. Chelsea Piggott 
Sport and Violence Impact Manager- Thames Valley  
Street Games 
Lead the Way Programme 2023/24An overview of the school's sports leader programme for this academic year, 80 SEND students will take part in a number of leadership and volunteer opportunity matching events. Anya Forbes-Phyall 

Leap Partner Forum Slides 18th October

Don’t forget to put the dates of our 2024 Partner Forums in your diary or sign up for our newsletter for reminders.


Thursday 29 February 2024 Book Now 

Wednesday 12 June 2024 Book Here

Wednesday 16 October 2024 Book Here

Questions about our forums? Contact Chris Gregory