Over 60 partners joined the Leap team to explore how regular movement, activity and sport can support Bucks and MKs placed-based priorities. Special thanks to Chris Perks who co-designed the first session and shared with us his reflections, learning and experience from his time at Sport England overseeing £130million investment into 12 LDP pilot areas.
We were joined by Buckinghamshire Councils Community Engagement and Development Team who collaborated with Leap colleagues to facilitate table discussions around 5 priority places in Bucks and MK.
Chris Gregory, Head of Strategic Relationships at Leap commented,
“The termly partner events have a real following, the range of partners who attend from across the health, leisure, sport, movement, activity and community organisations creates a real energy and buzz in the room. This was a great conversation starter but now we need to use the ideas and pledges of support to create change in local systems that bring benefits to those least active but most deprived.”
Click here to download the presentation slides from the event.
Click here to download a list of people who attended and their contact details.
The next partner forum takes place on Wednesday 18th October. You can book your place at the October forum now by clicking this link. If you have suggestions of topics you would like to see covered at future events then please email Chris Gregory cgregory@leapwithus.org.uk