Climate change is a threat to our nation getting active. Leap were pleased to sign the Sport England Going For Green pledge and join Chris Boardman on the Milton Keynes to Bisham leg of his #PedalForParis.

As Chris Boardman said:

“We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change, and the last generation that can do something about it; the status quo cannot be an option.”

Did you know?

  • An estimated 62,500 football matches are cancelled each season. That’s 5 cancellations for every club in England, every season.
  • Lower motivation and enjoyment meant 6 out of 10 adults did less activity in periods of extreme weather in 2023.
  • Extreme heat in July 2023 meant 30% of children were unable to be as active as they wanted in July 2022.

It was a delight to meet Ann & Jim from Bletchley St Martins Bowls Club at the start of the ride and hear about the steps they’re taking to make their club more sustainable.

The 104 year old club has 115 playing members, aged from 12 years old to 85!

In March 2024 they installed solar panels. This is now saving them £100 a month on electricity bills: the savings in the winter are unknown as the days will be shorter (although the panels still workAnn & Jim from Bletchley St Martins Bowls Club standing alongside MK Mayor Marie and Leap's Chris Gregory in front of a Team GB pop up banner without sun) and they expect to use more electricity. The panels were provided by West Bletchley Council, owners of the club house.

There have been a few challenges: after installation there were some power cuts as the old circuit board was unable to deal with the fluctuations in power. Jim is currently working through a complicated process (there’s a lot of forms!) to enable them to sell electricity back to the National Grid. Ann was keen to stress that these are minor inconveniences and the change has definitely been worthwhile.


Lighting has been changed to LEDs. They are more energy efficient and reduce electricity consumption and environmental emissions, and emit a softer light. As the change coincided with installing solar panels, it’s hard to say how much money they have saved.

All members have been involved in making Bletchley St Martins Bowls Club more sustainable by recycling all the cans and bottles from the bar. They meet in the car park before travelling to away matches, so members can lift share and save fuel and emissions.

Have Ann and Jim inspired your organisation to become more environmentally sustainable? Buddle has some hints and tips to help you get started and don’t forget to sign the Going For Green pledge to demonstrate your commitment to becoming more environmentally sustainable.